100watches, 100WatchesBook, horology matthew miller 100watches, 100WatchesBook, horology matthew miller

100 Watches Project Book

Now that the '100 Watches Project' is nearly a third of the way through I am excited to discuss the idea of a '100 Watches Book'.  Below are some images I mocked up to share the idea but I need some input. I want to know what you would be interested in purchasing if the book were to come to life. As the project has always been driven by your submissions I thought it only fitting to get your advice once again.

There are so many considerations when designing a book. What size should it be? Is paperback or hard cover better? How many pages should there be? Who should publish it? Should it even be published? 

These are the questions I hope to answer with your help. 
The form at the bottom of this post will help me answer all of these questions.


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