A Collected Gentleman
If you have not heard of A Collected Gentleman yet, please stop and see what is going on with that community (acollectedgentleman.com). The posts are all by one man and focus on several aspects of a creative life. A Collected Gentleman highlights great style with an economical mindset.
"My aim is to show style and self acceptance is priceless and that you can look good without breaking the bank." -A Collected Gentleman
The fashionable mindset is carried through the photography, the styling and even the poetry.
I met Isaiah Johnson (A Collected Gentleman) on twitter. He had inquired about the cost of fashion portraits after eyeing some of my fashion illustrations. We tweeted a bit and below is the result of our conversation.
To have your own Fashion Portrait contact sunflowerman at sunflowermatt@gmail.com
or you can meet sunflowerman on...
instagram- @sunflowerman
twitter- @sunflowermatt
Men's Fashion Illustration- Art Papers Donation
I am excited to share this six spot progression of my latest Men's Fashion Book Page Illustration. The unfortunate aspect is that I had to rush and I couldn't scan the steps, but thank goodness for my iPhone. Another day saved by the amazing technologies at hand. Take a good look if you are able, at the process here. There is no pencil drawing as guide for this illustration. I went straight onto this page from 'The Birth of Western Civilization' by McGraw Hill, using an ink well and a round brush.
Steps 1 and 2 have a disparity in documentation so I will attempt to fill the visual blanks. After laying thin washes of watercolor in the body and scarf I immediately began adding highlights with titanium white acrylic. From there each step speaks quite clearly to the use of watercolor layering and white acrylic highlighting. hint (Pay special attention to the use of colored glazing in the lapels of the jacket.)
This Men's Fashion Illustration is being donated to Art Papers, located in Atlanta, GA. A friend told me about the opportunity to network with over 250 other artist and numerous art collectors and there is no reason to pass up an opportunity of that nature.
I still know little about the organization that is benefiting from this amazing donation.
Illustration Weekly, Styling Mike
Illustration Weekly 5
For the second week of the new illustration series at The Follow Fashion I give you Mike. Mike is one of the minds behind the success of The Follow Fashion Online Magazine which provides daily inspiration with links to designers and clothiers all over the web and the world.
This new series will be capturing the fashion icons of our day such as Patrick Grant and Scott Schumann and re-styling them through illustration. Submissions/suggestions of who you think should be included are welcome.
(Read more about this article at TheFollowFashion.com)
instagram- @sunflowerman
twitter- @sunflowermatt
The Book Page Fashion Illustration Photoshoot
Recently I was able to have a ton of fun with the Book Page Fashion Illustrations. I just set out to shoot them together to share the Book Pages as a collective and in their newest form. Some are from the latest Tie + Jacket, the Smokes and London Collections: Hackett series. It has been some time since I had the opportunity to lay them out in this manner and it really took away what breath was in my lungs. The development from the first shoot is tremendous and beautiful (the first shoot). The Fashion Illustrations below are the newest hand painted illustrations in the collection. The majority are now available at Sunflowermanfashion.com. [gallery columns="1" type="rectangular" ids="2334,2335,2336,2337,2338,2339,2340"]
Now take one home by visiting the shop.
The Smokes Collection, Available Now
The Book Page Fashion Illustrations come out of a love for men's fashion and culture. The Book Page Collection Series is about knowledge, sophistication and originality. Each illustration is hand painted on a recycled book page using non-toxic india inks and watercolors.
When you see a Sunflowerman Fashion Illustration you are always seeing an original piece of art. Each image is created to be a unique creation fit for any collector or casual lover of the arts.
The Smokes Collection is now available at the shop where you can see the whole series.
But if you don't have time, here is a little teaser.
'The Smokes" Collection
Sunflowerman/ Hackett/ London 2013...
The London Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2013 Collection:Men is happening now! As a Fashion Illustrator the newest collections are a great for a fresh dose of inspiration.. I am stoked to see all of the collections coming out for fall and winter 2013. Of the collections thus far I have taken fancy to the Lou Dalton and the Hackett collections. My tendency is to be attracted to more conservative styles and that is exactly where I find myself to this point. There were a couple of collections that were visually exacerbating. Understanding the expressive nature of these shows I am still left winded by the likes of Fashion East and Craig Green.
Above is my take on the Hackett collection. I love the muted colors and classic lines.
Illustration Weekly…2
See this article on TheFollowFashion.com
And check back every week on theFollowFashion.com and Sunflowerman.com for more on this fashion series.
The Fashion Book Page Illustrations...
As time progresses the beauty of the Fashion Book Page Illustrations deepens. The textures and colors and lines move delicately and proudly around the page as the color undulates in and out of the surface plane. See some of the current work below and let me know what you think of what they have become.
[gallery type="square" ids="2075,2063,2069,2064,2074,2068,2065,2073,2066,2067,2070,2071,2072"]
Women's Fashion Illustration… Book Pages
Recently I was commissioned to do this series of women's fashion illustration on the book pages. I have stayed away from women's fashion quite purposefully. It is such a highly saturated genre with little variety. Though illustrating the female form is much more interesting than the male form. One could understand the saturation of the women's fashion market after having the opportunity to work in it.
My heavy handed approach with varying thicknesses of bold blacks carried over to the traditionally delicate and fluid line work of women's fashion illustration makes for a stronger figure. With my signature book page background these illustrations maintain the sunflowerman 'look.'
Watch how I make a bow tie! As a part of the fashion series this video is an entertaining diversion that will take you on a journey with me and the music of The Bamboos in the creation of a Book Page Fashion Illustration. .
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jJX4qDK9ck&w=560&h=315]
Caleb Morris Paints...
If you have ever heard a tall tale or seen someone paint a story in your mind then you have met Caleb Morris. He has a nack for tall tales and hyperbole. You might more accurately say that he has a unique ability to embellish, and I mean to share this with the utmost respect. A story woven by any other person is simply a reiteration of events gone by. When Caleb speaks stories are born. He gives life and character to moments that you or I would never experience outside of his recollection.
Beyond the imagination of his words is the imagination of his hands. Caleb is an illustrator. An illustrator in a world like Caleb's is a story teller. The same vivid drama that he speaks he also conjures as image.
When we decided to trade Illustrations I was elated. This was my chance to hold on to a story wrought by Caleb forever.
Below is the story that Caleb painted for me. Find his work here.
I thought that I would share my contribution as well. It was an honor to have the opportunity to paint this dog. Artie is not simply an old dog waning in life. He is an old man who thinks he can lay in the bed with ma and pa. He is full of mischief and tom-foolery and continually leads Caleb into trouble. His legs fail him, but his desires carry him. He is full of color and joy.
Other Works by Caleb Morris
Fashion Illustrations… Dictionary Pages
Here are more men's fashion illustrations placed on dictionary pages. It just keeps getting better!
This new collection takes the mastery of the ink and brush and highlights the great qualities of men's fashion. Sometimes the focus is on the cut of the jacket and sometimes it is on the color of the shirt and tie.
My goal is to highlight and focus on the spirit of men's fashion in an innovative and creative manner.
Fashion Illustrations... Book Pages
If you have been following along with the fashion here you have seen a lot happening. There are portraits, GQ covers, book pages, watercolors, sketches and character features. This next addition is not too far from the rest though I hope that it takes it's own direction in the collection. From here the images are going to grow in their fragmented book page form. Look for shoes painted on 10 pages and faces that encompass 15 pages.
If you would like to be featured in an illustration go ahead and email me.
Fashion Illustration… Giambattista Valli
I was contacted by the wonderful people at D2G Apparel to do some illustrations based on the Paris Fashion week that ended on the 4th of this past month. While I have been focusing on mens' fashion lately I thought that it might be a nice diversion from the normal. Also, women are just much more fun to draw. The week was full of amazing projects and designs. The first day kicked off with the always lovely Versace, but what really peaked my interest was the work of Giambattista Valli. There was a yearning for nature and beauty together that conjugated in the floral arrangements adorned by the women of the runway. Flowers and butterflies and floral prints were all a rather literal interpretation, but powerful nonetheless.
I identified several aspects from the Valli line that would work there way into my interpretive illustration.
-nature -light reds and greens -floral print -controlled hair, pulled back and tight
Included below are the final illustration and the process of the painting.
Look to D2G Apparel in the next several weeks to where this image on a shirt.
Instagram Series...
I have been posting my recycled page fashion illustrations on Instagram (@sunflowerman) and I got a comment from another IG-er asking whether I could feature him in some illustrations. Of course I was all too obliged to agree and below is the series I did via @joesteezzy 's Instagram feed.
If you are interested in getting some personalized illustrations in the same fashion just comment here or find me on Instagram.