Illustration Friday… Loneliness Arteditorialillustrationillustration friday Jul 30 Written By matthew miller It is not the sound that no one hears It is not the face that no one sees It is in wondering if someone hears It is in wondering if someone sees Loneliness. Artdrawinggongillustrationillustration fridayindia inkinklonelinessmatt millerpoemsunflower mansunflowerman matthew miller Fashion Artist
Illustration Friday… Loneliness Arteditorialillustrationillustration friday Jul 30 Written By matthew miller It is not the sound that no one hears It is not the face that no one sees It is in wondering if someone hears It is in wondering if someone sees Loneliness. Artdrawinggongillustrationillustration fridayindia inkinklonelinessmatt millerpoemsunflower mansunflowerman matthew miller Fashion Artist