Daily Fashion, Menswear matthew miller Daily Fashion, Menswear matthew miller

Daily Fashion 122

Sometimes What We Wear On The Outside Covers Who We Are On The Inside

Daily Fashion Illustration 122. Tuesday, February 18. 2014

Style submitted by Jason Andrew. -instagram @jasn_andrw
'The way you carry yourself aesthetically in many ways dictates the manner in which people interact with you. I just wanted to change that discourse. I'm not attempting to be curt. By dressing like an adult you should want to be addressed as such. That's either with distinction or respect.

I don't dress up I've just grown up. In the early 2000's I was on the A-train going to college, where I was studying to be a Speech-Language Pathologist. Feeling real fresh, I was wearing my North Face puffer, throw back jersey, fitted with "Constructions" to match. I was standing beside an old lady who took notice of my outfit. She then clutched her purse a little tighter. To be honest, I couldn't blame her.

Sometimes what we wear on the outside, covers who we are on the inside. From that day onward I started to pay closer attention to my fashion and what it spoke of me to the world. Now, I use my style to be addressed in a manner that's more befitting to who I am.'

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Daily Fashion, Menswear matthew miller Daily Fashion, Menswear matthew miller

Daily Fashion 121

When I Get An Opportunity To Take Off My Scrubs I Like To Dress Up

Daily Fashion Illustration 121. Monday, February 17. 2014

Style submitted by Jose Quezada. -instagram @silverfox27
'I don't get an opportunity to wear my clothes as much a I would like. I am a psychiatric and substance abuse nurse working 12 to 16 hours constantly so when I get an opportunity to take off my scrubs I like to dress up. I use my style as a way of expression with out having to verbalize it.

When I was young my father tried very hard to dress me like he did, which was very proper. Growing up in the Bronx, I ended up not caring for his style and proceeded to try to be like those around me. As I matured, I ended up finding a passion for fashion and started to experiment. I truly enjoy the fashions of the past. I should have been born in the 20′s and 30′s.

My current style is a mixture of classic and street style. I enjoy wearing it now in my life and love my current style. That being said, it’s definitely the end result of my Father’s encouragement.'

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Daily Fashion, Menswear matthew miller Daily Fashion, Menswear matthew miller

Daily Fashion 120

Happy Valentine's Day

Daily Fashion Illustration 120. Friday, February 14. 2014

Style submitted by Scotty, with Analise. -instagram @scottyrent, @pachec_oh
'The greatest accessory in my mind is that special person who makes it all work. The person who brings out that glow. The person that projects exactly what it is I am trying to convey; happiness! She is the greatest compliment to any combination of clothing and the greatest complement to all aspects of my life.

I always had the mental image of the person I hoped to spend the rest of my life with, and I always thought about her long before I ever knew her name. I think we all have that one person we hope to someday meet, and whoever that may be...she was mine. I met Analise five years ago when we crossed paths and she worked in a clothing department store, and I worked in the building next door.

My parking situation required that I move my car every three hours, and lucky for me her department store validated the parking tickets I needed each time. Little did I know that the hassle of moving my car every three hours would become such an important part of my life. From the second I met her I knew she was special. She had a personality you can't explain but can only experience, and all of my days were better from that moment on. Whether I knew it at the time or not, my life had become so much better simply because she was now a part of it.

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The two of us became friends that met every three hours of my work day, and the
occasional "stalking" on social media. She'll get that one. Time passed and I moved office buildings, and she pursued her career in the medical field, so my days lacked those special conversations with her. We reconnected a couple of years ago, and it was then that I knew. I just knew that my feelings for her had only gotten stronger, and my want for her just the same. Never had I ever been so sure of something. So sure that I wanted nothing but to give her my everything.

And today, there is no greater feeling than looking into her eyes and seeing exactly the same love I stop at nothing to show her. She has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, and they tell an amazing story. Our story. I know how lucky I am to have her, and not a day passes that I
don't appreciate everything that is her. 

Analise is forever my always.'

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