iPad Drawing at PROJECT Show

PROJECT in Vegas turnt-up this year.

This was my third show working with the Blogger PROJECT (Feb 17-19), curated by Marcus Troy. Each show has been a new experiment and this season in Vegas was no exception.

Show 1. I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off drawing and painting and drawing and painting and trying hard to make a good impression.

Show 2. I worked with PROJECT to have portrait studio set up to draw people at the show.

Show 3. I walked around with an iPad drawing the styles of PROJECT live, digitally, on an iPad. I'd never done it before and the result is quite beautiful. Below is a selection of the images. (PROJECT styles illustrated book coming to kindle soon)

Walt with Tiger of Sweden, wearing full ToS regalia.

Walt with Tiger of Sweden, wearing full ToS regalia.

Naskademini showing off his gorgeous Leica camera.

Naskademini showing off his gorgeous Leica camera.

Thierry from Genteelflair for A and H Magazine.
The morning coffee at Mix in the Delano.

The morning coffee at Mix in the Delano.

Rich Honiball, a master connector.

Rich Honiball, a master connector.

Gentlemen speaking, a PROJECT constant.

Gentlemen speaking, a PROJECT constant.


Zachary Prell, Contemporary Sportswear


Ryan Styles NYC