Andre Phillipe
It was all anticipation. It was all cherubic giddiness. It was all patient waiting for my suit to arrive.
And it did arrive. Not in the 4-6 week estimation, it was more like 8 weeks. That's 2 months for those of you counting. But the waiting wasn't a problem, it was the anticipation that got to me.
My full Andre Phillipe Inc experience was great. The guys at the Dallas based clothier are all down to earth, good natured gentlemen. Being in the service industry requires cheerful dispositions but it didn't seem an obligation to these men, it was their honest reaction to the beauty of life.
I had been measured for a suit one time prior to my experience with the Andre Phillipe crew so my ability to assess the difference is limited. That qualification aside this was the best suiting experience I've ever had!
I'm sure there are always more details that could be enveloped by the bespoke process but the measurement experience with Andre Phillipe provides the feeling that one is fully in charge of his appearance.
Helpful guidance is suggested when needed, but full creative control is seceded to the measured, not the measurer.
Next time I would probably skip the 'Sunflowerman' monogram. I've never liked the look of a sewn monogram and yet I second guessed myself in the decisive moment. No matter. When I lose the suit it won't be difficult for the finder to get in touch.
When the measuring was complete I went on my way. My stay in Dallas was only a week and then I was off to Delaware.
2 weeks pass, 4 weeks pass, 6 weeks pass and I am flush with anticipation.
New York Fashion Week is coming up, after that, PROJECT show. In my mind it would have been a perfect debut for my new Andre Phillipe suit.
Alas it did arrive, shortly after my return to Delaware from New York.
My excitement not diluted by the passing of fashion week and PROJECT, I ripped open the packaging to find my joy inside.
I'm sure my joy in a new suit is unfounded. In my own mind I cannot explain away the satisfaction. What joy can there be in cloth? What satisfaction does a suit provide that the simple joy of being alive cannot? Shouldn't I humbly accept the clothing with the knowledge that no suit lasts, no shoe lasts, no clothing is forever?
Why does an existential question hang over me in the midst of my excitement?