Pocket Square Clothing
The Laila, Sunflower print Tie.
Click the image to see it at PocketSquareClothing.com
I'm a liar after all.
You've likely not heard me spout off this phrase, 'I try to stay away from obvious comparison.' At least in regard to Sunflowerman. People illustrate Sunflower men, suggest sunflower related things, call me the Sunflower.
My hope is that one day Sunflowerman will transcend it's respective parts. That the 'Sunflower' and the 'Man' will become a singular identity, conjuring images of fashion and illustration and beauty.
And here comes this tie, this tie patterned in Sunflower print. It was a nice gift from Pocket Square Clothing. It was a generous and honest attempt at making my life a little more dapper, a little more interesting, a little brighter.
So I'm a liar.
I stay away from the obvious comparison, the 'sunflower tie' on the Sunflowerman. Except apparently I don't, and here is the proof. Here is the Pocket Square Clothing 'sunflower tie' and 'yellow pocket square', donned on the relenting Sunflowerman.
Alas, I'm finding that I like it. That the need to separate the Man from the Sunflower is perhaps unwarranted. Here's to Sunflowerman being more willing and open to accepting sunflower paraphernalia.
And here's to you accepting sunflower paraphernalia as well.
Check it out at PocketSquareClothing.com.
See The Laila illustrated on the Daily Fashion Project. Click here or the image below.