editorial, fashion, illustration, Watercolor matthew miller editorial, fashion, illustration, Watercolor matthew miller

Illustration Weekly…2

Staying Warm

January is here!
The cold is with us and from it there is no escape. We must defend ourselves against the cold winds and icy precipitation. Days define themselves with the tremors of cold and the burn of red on every face. Evenings are filled with huddled blankets, craning around the hearth and the haste of sipping on hot chocolate (or if you are more like myself- hot tea).
In the midst of the season there is joy. Winter is the time for Layers! Nestle in to your favorite shirt. Slip the socks around your feet and consider the colors and patterns for the day’s tie. Should it be silk or knitted? Patterned or plain? Don that Trench or that Pea Coat or one of those many seasonal sweaters. And I admonish you to not forget about the accents. Perhaps it is a tie-clip or some sort of lapel pin. As always, be creative, look great and during the winter season please stay warm.
Instagram @sunflowerman


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