WiseMan, Octopus...
I have had quite a bit of feedback about this piece. To this point it is the most attention grabbing, and perhaps most well done of the series. The color scheme and composition for this painting very from the template I was using for the first several 'man, animal' paintings. WiseMan, Octopus was sold the day after it was finished, but if you would like prints of it just give me a holler.
The Graduation
The Graduation is the assimilation of octopuses into human culture. Well, actually it is my solution to a class project. The assignment was to incorporate an octopus into an illustration. The parameters were vast- simply place and octopus in the image.
After researching octopuses for a while there was a constant theme. Octopuses are smart- opening jar, carrying coconut.
I went the easy route in conveying this. An octopus is graduating Harvard.