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Daily Fashion 229

‘I Raid My Closet And Make Multiple Outfits Out Of One…’

Story submitted by Sean McIntyre
instagram @1oeo

‘My name is Sean McIntyre and I attend Manhattan College. During my sophomore year, I wrote a bi-weekly column called “Can I Wear That?” which showed pictures of different fashionable students and descriptions about their outfits essentials.

While writing this column I realized that college students want to be fashionable, but suffer from the lack of income. To avoid wearing the dreaded sweat suit, you can make numerous outfits from just one similar piece. When I hear my friends say, “I have nothing to go with this shirt,” or, ” I can’t wear anything with those shoes,” or even, “Nothing matches this,” I can go into their closet and find an entire outfit.

'1oeo, or 1 Outfit/Endless Opportunities, is where I raid my closet and make multiple outfits from one similar piece or pieces. You can make ten outfits with one white button down, or twenty outfits with one pair of navy pants, or an infinite amount of outfits with a pair of black boots. Each outfit differs from accessories, pants, coats, shirts, and so on.

All though my column has ended, I have continued 1oeo’s passion for changing the way a person can look at their closet by posting my daily outfits and adventures in New York City, both as a resident and an intern at “Cosmopolitan” magazine.’