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Week of Steven

Steven Onoja

However he does it, I don't know but Steven looks dapper in everything. His style is unique and set off by his dark bronze complexion. Hats, shades and jewelry adorned fingers identify Steven wherever he goes. Check out his range of aesthetic and style at

Q1. What is a failure you've had that you learned from or overcame?

Steven- Stop over thinking and start taking action, leaving my comfort zone and I don't think proving people wrong make you right.

Q2. Do you have a morning routine? What is it like?

Steven- Respond back to my emails then head out to go grab some coffee at my favorite spot in the city.

Q3. You aren't originally from the US. Where were you born and why the move?

Steven- I was born and raised in Nigeria in 1989 and Now reside where fashion reigns king. I moved to New York City to further my education.

Q4. People know you partially by your hat and by your jewelry. Where did those affectations come from?

Steven- At a tender age I discovered my love for art, where I immediately started developing my interest toward painting and sculpture. I worked in a gallery developing my skills then did several competitions in art. Jewelry plays a great role in Africa/Nigeria, also what I learned watching my mom dress for an occasion. 

Q5. How did you first get interested in fashion?

Steven- Basically, I never thought of going into fashion I felt like it just happened. something about becoming a blogger or stylist is your ability to create, as a form of expression "Self expression". To become a fashion blogger, You have to learn to be yourself, break rules and never follow trends.

Stay tuned all week for the 5 illustrations in the Week of Steven.