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Week of Mustafa

Mustafa Kacar is the fine Turkish man behind the lifestyle site

Sunflowerman. What first interested you in Menswear?

Mustafa. I've always been about improving myself and trying to be the best Mustafa I can be. One way to improve is by appearance. How you are perceived by others before you open your mouth depends mostly on the physical signals you send with your appearance. Clothing is the primary instrument in creating a positive first impressions

Sunflowerman. What is your morning routine like?

Mustafa. Shower. Breakfast. Then e-mails while drinking coffee w/ Spotify in the background. Every morning. Everyday. :) 

Sunflowerman. Are you a coffee person? 

Mustafa. HUGE. But I'm no addict (if that makes sense). I enjoy a 1-2 cups a day of the premium craft stuff. Some of my favorite brands include Blue Bottle, Counter Culture, and Intelligentsia. 

Sunflowerman. Your day job is not in blogging or fashion. Can you share what it is you do with your days?

Mustafa. My day job (for 3 more weeks, then I blog full time) has nothing to do with fashion. I work in the medical field. Selling genetic testing technology to doctors and hospitals. 


This final illustration is actually one I did of Mustafa way back when the Daily Fashion Project was by submission. See what he had to say at the link here.

Sunflowerman. What sorts of books have you been reading lately?

Mustafa. I'm a big history buff and enjoy books on war. Two of my latest are Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford and the classic Catch 22.