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The Week of Gregory

Gregory Tinari

Gregory is the man behind and the popular instagram @mensstyleguide.

Q5. What is a big failure that you have had? Has it helped you with the success you have now?

Gregory- Failure to find a path motivated me to figure it out my own way and in the process I founded the Willaby. I graduated and wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, and I’m still not sure of what I want to do. A lot of people I know went to school and knew they want a certain job when they graduated and went for it. I didn’t feel I had this clear vision of what I wanted to do so I just kind of started blogging. This is how I founded The Willaby.

Q4. Do you have a morning routine?

Gregory- Typically I shower, get dressed and stop by one of my favorite coffee shops downtown for a quick cappuccino before morning meetings. It’s pretty much the same as every New Yorker, but I like to think it’s special.

Q3. Your website is Where does that name come from?

Gregory- The house my family summered in when I was younger was called the Willoughby. When I started MenStyleGuide I decided to put a little spin on the spelling.

Q2. What did you study in college?

Gregory- I studied Business Management with a concentration in Finance. 

Q2. Do you see your Business Management degree directly influencing your work with menswear? Would you recommend it to anyone else?

Gregory- I don't know if I see the Business Management degree having a direct influence on my menswear work.  I would say my the biggest thing I learned from being getting this degree and playing a sport at the same time is time management. I think time management directly influences my work with menswear daily.  Not sure I would recommend the degree as I think it's a broad degree. I would recommend figuring out what you love and go for it. 

Q1. What was the inspiration for starting Men Style Guide?

Gregory- The inspiration for starting MenStyleGuide was my love for fashion, travel, food and design. My mother went to fashion school and designed many of her own pieces, so from a young age I developed an appreciation for design. Throughout the years, I have been fortunate enough to travel to many different countries and experience many different cultures and ways of life. As for food, well it’s amazing and who doesn’t love it?

My goal for MenStyleGuide is to give our followers ideas on how to incorporate trending fashion and luxury lifestyle into their everyday life.