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Week of EJ Samson

EJ Samson

EJ Samson has moved across digital media behind the scenes and now as a face of digital menswear through instagram.

Enjoy a peek into the life of EJ Samson by scrolling down.

Sunflowerman- How did you first get interested in Menswear?

E.J.- I’ve always had an interest in fashion, but to be honest I think Instagram was the catalyst for me to pay serious attention to the details in menswear. (I’m still learning.) When I started posting outfit pics, I’d see which photos got more likes and comments and start analyzing why. Each new post was an opportunity to outdo the previous one, and it kind of snowballed from there. 

Sunflowerman- You worked in digital at GQ, you work at Hearst Digital Media now and do your personal brand on digital. What do you do that is not digital?

E.J.- I’m a relatively new uncle, and there’s honestly nothing I love more on the weekends than hopping on a train to see my family and play with my nephew, even if it’s just for a few hours. It beats a boozy brunch any day of the week.

Sunflowerman- It seems that no one is a native New Yorker but it turns out that you are. How does that feel? Do you think it gives you different perspective on the city than NYC transplants?

E.J.- I actually think in a way there’s more pressure on people born and raised in New York to “make it” in this city since we’ve been given this head start. But I’ve always been grateful to my parents for choosing to live here when they emigrated from the Philippines, and their drive has always inspired me to take advantage of all the opportunities New York has to offer. I can’t imagine living anywhere else, and if I ever do I know it would only be temporary.

Sunflowerman- How do you feel about coffee? Where's your favorite place to get coffee?

E.J.- I’m not a coffee snob, but I do drink at least two cups a day. When I’m home in my Chelsea neighborhood I like going to Seven Grams café, and recently a co-worker turned me on to Bibble & Sip, which is a few blocks down from the Hearst Tower.

Sunflowerman- Where do you see EJ Samson the brand fitting in the blogging and menswear industry?

E.J.- I don’t consider myself a fashion blogger, at least not in the traditional sense. I honestly started my Instagram account as a way to catalog all the outfits I put together for work, but the fact that it’s caught on with some people and maybe even inspires the way some guys get dressed for the office is pretty cool.