The Week of Denny
Denny Balmaceda
Denny is a New Yorker who runs the blog Look Rich Shop Cheap. His employ at a vintage store helps to inform the style that has made him a fashion icon. (Read about him in his first DFP feature here.)
If you ever get the pleasure of knowing Denny you will appreciate the great humor that he brings to any conversation. I've only ever had the pleasure of meeting Denny twice, but each time I was honored and humbled by the presence of man whose figure is what you might call, un-imposing.
Enjoy this week of illustrations all featuring the style of Denny Balmaceda.
Based on photo by Willis_in_Focus
Based on photo by @gregpallante
Based on photo by Willis_in_Focus
Photo reference by @najwareham
Photo reference by @najwareham