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Daily Fashion Project: Khaled Nasr

Khaled Nasr of Sartoriomerta

Instagram: Sartoriomerta

Where is home for you? 
Sunny Los Angeles California!

If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? 
Florence Italy to meet with so many of the friends I have made there

If you could only have one pair of shoes, what color would they be? 
It would definitely be a dark brown

Podcasts or audiobooks? 
Podcasts. Absolutely love them!

Extroverted or Introverted? 
Definitely extrovert. Interesting enough, I have a twin brother who is more of an introvert.

If you were a dragon, what would you hoard? 
I would hoard all my friend and keep them hostage to keep me company lol. Nothing is more valuable than the friendships you make.


Tell us about one place that has made an impact on your life.

I would say Japan. The county has a history and culture. I have never been to a country where so much tradition is upheld and practiced yet so much future technology is invented and embraced. So much conflict in that and I find it so fascinating!

What does your favorite article of clothing say about you?

A lot of the pieces I have are very bold in their cut which. I have a very confident personality and I think that it portrays that very much

Has one piece of art, literature or music helped shape who you are today?

The Pyramids of Egypt. I was born in Egypt and nothing is more beautiful then when you stand in front of them. To see something that big and last so many years only makes you realize how short of a time we have been alive and how many eyes may have seen them throughout history. Makes you feel small in the big scheme of things!

If you had to choose a different career, what would you be doing?

I think I would definitely be involved in menswear in one way or another. Many people think I am involved in menswear or have my own line but nothing could be farther from the truth. I have made a lot of friends in the industry so I have a few people in mind who I would love to collaborate in the future with.