Art, fashion, illustration matthew miller Art, fashion, illustration matthew miller

Bowyer and Fletcher Fabric Fashion Illustration

Jahmal, from Bowyer and Fletcher contacted me about some Bow Tie artwork for their fine bow tie brand. Bowyer and Fletcher was an early subscriber to the work I have been producing with men's fashion illustration and their support bolstered my confidence entering into this new market. The brand has now grown beyond just bow ties (see the new product) and I am excited to see where else they can expand in the future. I have to say that with this project took some long time to produce anything. I stake claim to the blame for that. Local projects kept finding there way into my days and I neglected the good folks at Bowyer and Fletcher. The wait did allow for the development of a project that had been floating around in my mind for some time.

If you recall the large fabric paintings from the H. Stockton show (in case you missed it) you will know what I am talking about. There, I debuted the large fabric fashion paintings. The reactions were all ecstatic and I knew that along with my overwhelming joy for there creation that this is what I needed to do with Bowyer and Fletcher.

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="2298,2302,2303,2304,2306,2307,2312,2313,2316,2318,2322,2325"]

I am a little disappointed that there is little visual comparison of size but if you are a technical person then knowing that it is approximately 6 feet by 2.5 feet will suffice. Grommets are placed in each corner of the fabric for easy stretching or displaying on walls or in windows or over hand made frames.

Now go check out the good work from our friends at Bowyer and Fletcher.

And see the featured Bow Tie.

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Art, fashion, illustration matthew miller Art, fashion, illustration matthew miller

Bow Tie, How-to...

Bow Tie, How-to [gallery type="rectangular" ids="2042,2041,2040,2039,2038,2037,2036,2034,2033,2032,2035"]


A few months ago I was approached by Q Custom Clothier in Dallas, Texas to do a Bow Tie info-graphic. As I am an avid Bow Tie wearer I jumped at the chance.

I began with some preliminary sketches and rough draft. From there I found some unsuspecting souls to test the usability of the graphic. There were several issues to work out and what came of it is what you see here.

Enjoy, thank the folks at Q Clothier, ( and let me know if this works for you.

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editorial, georgia, Uncategorized matthew miller editorial, georgia, Uncategorized matthew miller

Great Afternoon Brunch...

Sundays are the best days. Often they are filled with good friends, eating, and coffee!  

Sundays are brunch days. Yes, you can eat brunch any day, but on Sundays, especially in the south there is a culture that is surrounded by  weekend brunch…and I love it.

This Sunday a group of us went to Radial Café for an afternoon brunch. Put any thoughts of brunch being defined by time. It is an experience  of friendship and the breaking of bread with those friends, and for me it is all centered around that delicious, ceramic mugged, bitter, bold, caffeinated fluid. Gouda Scramble was the piece de resistance- ordered by 4 out of the 7 members of the group. This day I chose the Salmon Scramble and do believe that I have found a new favorite.


This Sunday also happened to be the first chilly day of the cold season. I arrived in a t-shirt and soon needed to dapper up to eat in cozy comfort. Click the middle image to see the way brunch dandy dresses.

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Art, georgia matthew miller Art, georgia matthew miller


That's right folks, I bought a bowtie, and might I add, it is fantastic. I have been on the lookout for a bowtie for quite a while now. The other day I ventured to Little Five Points with a friend, Patrick Manangan. This was my first time experiencing the famed hip locale in Atlanta. It definitely lived up to its rep. We didn't have the time to really see all of what it has to offer, but we made a trek into a couple different shops, when finally we made it to this awesome! vintage clothing shop. The bowties were right near the front, though we didn't notice those until after asking about it. There was so much going on in this place, shirts, jackets, button ups, vests, ties, hats, pants, suspenders, and bowties.

After staring at and touching all of the ties I finally came to a decision with the awesomest one there-it's red and has little blue and white outlined paisleys all over it. I kind of fell in love instantly. I bought the bowtie then Pat and I went to eat at a little pizza shop a few stores down the road. While we were waiting for food we tried to figure out how to tie the tie. That proved to be futile.

Finally, today, I tied it right! So naturally I took a bunch of pictures to show off how awesome it is...enjoy a few.

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