Art, fashion, georgia, illustration, Uncategorized matthew miller Art, fashion, georgia, illustration, Uncategorized matthew miller

Redeemed Book! and the Dapper Lou...

I had some pages that fell out of a book I was reading and decided to have some fun with them instead of tossing them. It's one of the few times that saving useless junk came in handy. These pages can no longer be lumped in the same useless category as the slabs of dried acrylic paint in my drawer, or the oddly shaped scraps of paper cut from old projects, or the plastic scraps from the used, dried masking fluid. No, these pages have been redeemed! And special thanks again to the Dapper Lou. I was perusing the site again and found endless inspiration for sketching.

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Art, fashion, georgia, illustration matthew miller Art, fashion, georgia, illustration matthew miller

Fashion Illustrations through the Sartorialist...

I have some new brown 'walnut' ink and I had an artist moment this afternoon. Ravaging my room, looking for some paper to transform I remembered an assortment of colored card stock under scraps of forgotten paper. The movement to create was stirring within me while I was scrolling through one of my favorite blogs. Among the sites I peruse now and again The Sartorialist is always one I return to. The Sartorialist is an amazing source of inspiration for any individual craving a dose of the greatest modern street fashion. Looks from the streets of New York and Paris grace the selection of images on the blog.

This selection of Fashion sketches is inspired directly from The Sartorialist and is an homage to a great source of beauty.


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