The Numbers are in...

I first want to thank all who participated in the promotion this past week. The ballots have been cast and the numbers are in… and the recipients of a Sunflowerman Fashion Synopsis Booklet are the following lovely people (please take the time to view what they do). Jose Lopez-Perez -twitter Amonfocus -Tumblr Pinolomannaro -twitter IAMAMIR1 -twitter Ghoti -Instagram Leslie Yvonne -Facebook ib247_tbre -Instagram mpinkleton -twitter Heather Holyan -Pinterest Christaltoso -Instagram

The response impressed me so that I got off my bum and produced a few more to send off to some lucky folks

Charleyrt -twitter, Instagram marinheii -twitter, Instagram


If you'd like to make your own then you can simply download the pdf  Sunflowerman_Booklet

And if you wanted a booklet and didn't get the luck of it you can purchase one for $5 at the Sunflowerman Shop on Etsy.


The Coolest Cat in Atlanta


The Sunflowerman Fashion Synopsis Booklet